20 November 2016


Camel Installation Project.
The project was invited 100 artists and communities to join in the campaign of their latest products. For this project, I had the opportunity to collaborate with KAFI (Komunitas Action Figure Indonesia). They provide us two original size camel statue that will be painted with our works. This project was started in October 2016 and will last until January 2017. All the camel sculptures will be on display in various public spaces such as cafes, supermarkets and shopping malls. In the end, the public can give their vote to choose the winner for this project.
 Both are my artworks inspired by the Mexican Sugar Skull.
 Interview session along with Billy, Director of the Indonesian Action Figure Community.
#Camel #ideaCtive #Originals
My badboy at Alfamidi Gandaria. 

GUYS, Don't forget to give me a vote!!!

1. Open originals.id through your browser
2. Register your account (don't forget to upload your ID)
3. Wait until you get a verification email
4. Log in to your account
5. Choose "Collaborations" menu
6. Search "Hana Madness"
7. Give me your vote!


16 November 2016

Bipolar Success Stories at Kebun Raya Bogor

On Sunday 13th November 2016, Community of Bipolar has invited me to attend a gathering entitled "Bipolar Success Stories" at Kebun Raya Bogor (Bogor Botanical Gardens). There, I told to the audience how I live my life as a person with bipolar disorder and be able to live a better life as it is now. In my opinion, the definition of success is quite extensive. Currently, I don't feel successful because I am still chasing a lot of dreams.

That's the beauty of sharing. I am happy to give them encouragement and inspiration. I also hope that people with mental disorders is able to work and be appreciated like others.

Yup, very good atmoshpere...
 Cheeerrrssss... :D

07 November 2016

My Doodle Artworks on Tokai Lighters November 2016

The wait is over!!!!
For the second time Tokai Company has been released my doodle artwork in the form of lighters.
The second series are packaged in different shape of lighter (Soulmatch Series), which is more slimmer, thinner, and fancy as much as 200.000 pieces to all over Indonesia.
They printed my 5 design (doodle series) into 5 pieces of lighters.
  Starting this November you can already grab them from various supermarkets all over Indonesia.
Such as Alfamidi, Bright, Farmers Market, Giant, Hero, and Superindo.
 Go grab them before soldout!!!
Doodle Series. Designed by @hanamadness

25 October 2016

ART BRUT ID in GAC Art Festival at Ciputra Art Preneur Gallery

Those are our paintings.

Pameran yang diselenggarakan di Ciputra Art Preneur, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan - Jakarta pada tanggal 22-23 Oktober kemarin, bekerjasama dengan GAC Art Festival. Saya dan 2 seniman "outsider art" lainnya, yakni Pakwi 50 tahun, seorang pengidap skizofrenia akut yang telah menjadikan seni sebagai terapi kejiwaannya dan berhasil mendapatkan rekor MURI dalam melukis wayang terpanjang se-Indonesia. Serta Anfield Wibowo, 11 tahun. Seorang anak yang menderita tuna rungu dan telah beberapa kali menggelar pameran tunggal di Jakarta. 

Art brut di Indonesia memang masih terdengar asing, namun di dunia internasional art brut sudah lama dikenal. Aliran seni ini diperkenalkan oleh Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930) yang menjadi pasien tetap sebuah rumah sakit jiwa sejak 1899. Ia mulai melukis dan membuat tulisan-tulisan hingga mencapai 25 ribu lembar catatan dan 1.600 lembar lukisan ilustratif. Karya-karyanya kemudian ditemukan oleh seniman Perancis bernama Jean Dubuffet pada tahun 1945, dan ia menyebutnya art brut, yakni karya seni yang diciptakan penyandang gangguan mental. Art brut sendiri berasal dari Bahasa Prancis yang artinya rough art (seni kasar) atau raw art (seni mentah), yaitu seni yang tak terbatas pada konvensi-konvensi artistik. Kami tidak peduli dengan batas-batas komposisi,  maupun proposisi. Karya tersebut kebanyakan datang dari mereka para penyandang disabilitas fisik maupun mental. 

Saya merasa Indonesia butuh sekali festival kesenian yang mengangkat isu kaum minoritas, untuk memberikan mereka apresiasi di bidang seni dan juga menjadi kritik bagi pemerintah untuk bisa memberdayakan mereka dalam segi apapun.

Di Swiss sendiri, pemerintah memberikan ruang bagi Art Brut. Mereka menyediakan galeri khusus Art Brut yang dikelola sangat baik dengan disiplin-displin ilmu dan teknologi.

Kami bertiga mewakili Art Brut atau Outsider Art mencoba menyebarluaskan isu tersebut dengan mengikuti pameran-pameran agar masyarakat luas semakin mengenal apa itu Art Brut.

Harapan saya adalah agar kami dapat hidup mandiri tanpa stigma apapun. Mengubah pandangan masyarakat dari "kekurangan" menjadi sesuatu yang dihasilkan, yaitu karya seni.
Some of my paintings.
 Cheersssss... :D
Our exhibition held in Ciputra Art preneur, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan - Jakarta on October 22-23 2016. Cooperated with GAC Art Festival. Me and another two "Outsider Artists"named Pakwi 50 years old man with schizophrenia who have made art as a mental therapy and has been painting 1000 puppets and obtain a record of MURI (Museum Record Indonesia). As also Anfield Wibowo, 11 years old deaf boy who has been painting since he was 3 year and several times held a solo exhibition in Jakarta.

Art Brut in Indonesia doesnt sound familiar, but in the international Art Brut has long been recognized. This art form was introduced by Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930) who became a patient remains a mental hospital since 1899. He began to paint and make the writings of up to 25 thousand pages of notes and 1,600 pieces of painting illustrative. His works were later found by a French artist named Jean Dubuffet in 1945, and he called Art Brut, the works of art created by people with mental disorders. Art Brut itself comes from the French meaning rough art or raw art. The art that is not limited to the artistic conventions, not concerned with the limits of composition and also propositions. The work has mostly come from those persons with physical or mental disabilities.

In Switzerland, the government provides space for Art Brut. They provide a special gallery that managed very well with self-discipline and technological disciplines.

We want to represent Art Brut or Outsider Art in Indonesia for trying to disseminate these issues by following the exhibitions so the public will know about the history of Art Brut. Because Indonesia really needs the art festival which raised the issue of minorities, to give them an appreciation in art sector and also can be a criticism of the goverment in helping to empower them.

I wish we can live independently without any stigma. Change society's view from a "shortage" into something that is produced, which is the work of art.
 The story about the exhibition is up on Kompas Newspaper 3 days in a row.
On Monday (24/10).
Tuesday (25/10.
Thursday edition (27/10).

15 September 2016


Two months ago, on July 28, I received an email from the British Council who offered me to become the Indonesian delegation for the Unlimited Festival at the Southbank Centre, London. Such a new experience and a great opportunity for me. Without thinking long I said YES!.

Unlimited Fest is a festival that focuses on arts and disability which celebrates the artistic vision and originality by disabled artist. Unlimited is delivired by Shape Arts and Artsadmin.

Held every 2 years since 2012 and this is the third time. 

This year they were held in two places, London and Glasgow. I chose London as my destination along with Annisa Rahmania of Young Voices Indonesia (Young Disability Community).
 (Me with Annisa Rahmania)

I was in London for 6 nights (from 6-11 Sept 2016) to attend a series of events held by the Unlimited Festival. From the discussions, performances art and even a party. :D

Oh ya, I brought my stickers and postcards artwork to be given to all delegates and artist in there. So happy because they love it! :)
 And here they are...
Tuesday 6 Sept. Event talk: History Of Disability Arts In The UK.
Opened by Tony Heaton (CEO of Shapearts) and also Jo Verrent (Senior Producer of Unlimited Fest). They gave a speech and explained to us the history and purpose of Unlimited Fest. Followed by a question and answer discussion. 

The event closed with "Networking Lunch" which is a moment to chat with delegates from other countries. There were 84 delegates from 18 different countries.
 Jo Verrent (Senior producer of Unlimited)
 "Networking lunch"
 Delegates from South Korea

Tuesday 6 Sept. Performance: The Way You Look (at me) Tonight.
Claire Cunningham (UK disabled artist) and Jess Curtis (international performer) trying to combine performance between dancing, singing, and story telling about our habits and practices of perceiving each other and the world. And also explores the judgement of bodies and the quality of life.

Tuesday 6 Sept. Performance: Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over by Jess Thom
Jess Thom has Tourette's Syndrome, a condition that makes her say 'biscuit' 16.000 times a day. I think she's very funny with all the imperfections that she had.
 (Jess Thom and Me).
Tuesday 6 Sept. Visual Arts: TV Classic Part 1 by Cameron Morgan.
Cameron Morgan made 10 paintings from every decade from the 1930s to the present, which is his favorite programs.
 The two of his paintings.
Wed 7 Sept. Visual Arts & Installations: Cherophobia by Noemi Lakmaier.
 Cherophobia is a psychiatric condition defined as 'an exaggerated or irrational fear of gaiety or happiness'. Originating from her own experience of disabled self. She attempts to lift her tied and immobilised body off the ground using 33.000 helium balloons.

Wed 7 Sept. Talks and Debates: Unfixed A Coversation.
 Credit to Daniel Savage (AUS).
 What does being 'disabled' really mean?
Unfixed artist talk featuring Aidan Moesby, Daniel Savage & Jane Gauntlett. The artists speaking about their practice in both mainstream and disability arts contexts.

Thursday 8 Sept. Event: Unlimited Festival Launching Party.
Drink wine accompanied by the music. I met so many practitioners of the delegation in there, from sharing stories until gave them my name cards  and also my artwork. Very good atmosphere.
(Nisa, Jo Verrent, and Me)
Thursday 8 Sept. Performance: Grandad and the Machine by Jack Dean.
With two-hour performance, containing 13 parts of the story, Jack Dean interacts with a doll named Grandad. He invites us to enter into a steampunk fairytale fantasy. 
A enchanting storytelling...

Friday 9 Sept. Talks and Debates: The Generation Gap.

This session discusses about the chances of young persons with disabilities in entering the arts sector. Feat Kim Simpson (producer), Kate Lovell (theatre director), John Wilkinson (writer), Laura Dajao (dance artist), and more...

Friday 9 Sept. Performance: Indian Instrument by Baluji Shrivastav.
Baluji Shrivastav suffer from blindness since he was a baby. However, he managed to become one of the greatest instrumentalists from India. Standing applause for him!!!

Friday 9 Sept. Performance: Beautiful Octopus Club.
 Everyone singing, everyone dancing. No matter what they looked like. Everyone enjoyed. I'll be missed London for sure... :(

Sat 10 Sept. Talks and Debates: Are Some Equal Than Others?
Feat Claire Cunningham (dancer), Nicola Miles (Actor), Ivan Riches (Musician). This panel discusses about equality, access, and opportunity in relation to the arts including performance, visual arts, broadcast media and music.

Sat 10 Sept. Performance: Just A Few Words by Russell Thompson.
Look into the mind of a person who stammers in this performanceShouldn’t take long to say how you feel. Except for Russell Thompson, its take a while.

Sat 10 Sept. Performance: Assisted Suicide (musical) by Liz Carr.
One of the best performers that I saw over there. She campaigned against legalising suicide. The majority of the UK population believe it’s a humane choice to legalise assisted suicide for especially terminally ill or disabled people, but Liz Carr and many other disabled people disagree. Funny and very entertaining us!

Sat 10 Sept. Performance: Saturday Night is Variety Night.
Enjoy an evening of magic, music, and performance.
 Live painting by Rachel Gadsden. I gave her my postcard and sticker artwork. And you know what? She also gave me a book of her masterpiece artworks. It just made my day!
Nia, Adam (Director of British Council Indonesia), and Me.

Sunday 11 Sept. Artist Talk: Nama Ato: Japanese Outsider Art.
Takako Shiraiwa discusses the delicate black-and-white drawings of Koji Nishioka, the playful ‘Makoot’ dolls of Makoto Okawa and the colourful creations of Yasuyuki Ueno.
Shiraiwa also speaks about Atelier Corners in Osaka, Japan: a centre dedicated to supporting artists with disabilities. 

 One of the works by Koji Nishioka.

Sunday 11 Sept. Talk: The Doorways Project by Bekki Perriman.
 Bekki Perriman is an artist working across sound, photography and installation. Her research-based work investigates issues of homelessness and mental health and has been shown across the UK and internationally.
 Inspired by her experience of life on the streets, Bekki Perriman's sound installation explores homeless culture through the personal stories of society's most silenced people.
I met with Aidan Moesby at the day before I left. He is an Artist Curator - Arts and also Mental Health Consultant. We have some drinks and talked about our creative proccess. He suffer from Bipolar Disorder just like me. Very kind and humble person for sure! See you again buddy... :)
It was my last event in London. Happy, sad, proud, compassionate, its all mixed together. Happy because they were given me the opportunity to be in London. 
Proud to see the struggles of people with disabilities who are able to work beyond the normal. Sad because I need to go back to my country. This place is too beautiful. People with disabilities are so appreciated in London. They work and do something for themselves and their environment. IM SO PROUD!!!

Thanks to the British Council team (Adam, Levina, Jane and more) and also Jo Verrent from Unlimited which has given me a great opportunity to be part of the event. I knew so many great people out there who inspire me to continue to work and do something for myself and my country. 

I promise one day I'll comeback to UK.
Reviewed on Kompas.